Exploring the Power of Java Records: Simplifying Data Classes and Enhancing Code Readability

Java Records ( JEP-395 ), introduced as a preview feature in JDK 14 and officially released in JDK 16, is a new feature that simplifies the creation of simple data carrier classes. Gone are the days of writing verbose boilerplate code for these classes; Java Records provides a compact syntax to declare these classes with…

Comparing Native Image Size of Java ,Spring Boot, Quarkus and Micronaut

In this blog post we will look at the native image size of Java, Java based frameworks Spring Boot, Quarkus and Micronaut. Based on the below tweet, I became curious to know the bare minimum size of a native application for Java and Java based frameworks. Code Used in Native Images I am trying to…

Lombok: A Comprehensive Guide to Java’s Most Useful Library

What is Lombok and Why Is It So Popular Project Lombok is a java library that seamlessly integrates with your editor and build tools, enhancing your java. It improves developer productivity by reducing the amount of boiler plate to be written in your java programs by providing set of annotations. Instllation To configure lombok with…