
Deploying Spring Boot Application on CapRover Using GitHub Actions

In this blog post, I will explain how we can deploy the Spring Boot application on CapRover using GitHub Actions. In my previous blog post, I have shown how you can deploy Spring Boot application from GitHub repo automatically when ever we push the new code. In the deployment method we were building docker image…


Deploying Spring Boot Applications on CapRover

In this blog post, I will show how can you can deploy the Spring Boot application on CapRover platform. In my previous blog post, I have shown you how to setup your own PAAS platform using CapRover on Oracle Cloud. Now we will see how to deploy Spring Boot application on Caprover. CapRover allows the…


Setup Your Own PaaS with CapRover on Oracle Cloud Ampere A1 instance.

In this blog post, I will show the step by step process to install CapRover on Oracle Cloud Server. What is CapRover? Caprover is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution that provides developers with the ability to easily deploy their applications. It makes it much simpler to deploy and manage web applications, as the platform takes care…


Spring Boot : Enabling HTTPS (SSL) Using Cloudflare Certificate

In this blog post, I will explain how to enable HTTPS (SSL) in Spring Boot applications using Cloudflare SSL certificate. For enabling SSL in Spring Boot applications we can use self signed certificate if you are running application in local development machine but in production you have to use certificate issued by Certificate Authority. In…