Building Spring Boot 3 Native Image Container on Apple Silicon and ARM64 based Systems

In this blog post I will show to build native image container for Spring Boot 3 apps with GraalVM on Apple silicon or ARM64 based system (Oracle Cloud Ampere processor VM) In my previous blog post, I have covered how to build native image for Spring Boot 3 based applications . I have discussed about…

Building Native Image of Spring Boot 3 apps with GraalVM

In this post, we will learn what is native image, how to build native image of Spring Boot 3 application with GraalVM. In general we deploy spring boot application by building jar file and run those jar file with jvm installed those systems. The Java code written is first compiled into bytecode during the build…

Setup Java Development Environment in Remote Ubuntu Desktop on Oracle Cloud

In this blog post we will setup Java development environment in Remote Desktop created based on Ubuntu server on Oracle Cloud. In my previous blog posts ( part-i, part-ii), I have shown you how to setup the free Ubuntu based remote desktop on Oracle cloud using Ampere A1 processor. Now we will install JDK, Java…

Create Free Ubuntu Remote Desktop on Oracle Cloud Part-II

In this second part of the blog post, we will install useful software so that we can use it as a remote desktop from any where. You can go through the first part of this blog series here Installing Chromium There is no Google Chrome browser available for Linux Arm64 architecture but generic Chromium browser…