Spring Boot Integration Tests with docker-compose
This blog post explains how to run Spring Boot integration tests with docker-compose file
This blog post explains how to run Spring Boot integration tests with docker-compose file
In this blog post, I will explain how I reduced maven build time for the project at my workplace. Project I work on a multi module maven project and project has following structure. Project is built on following tech stack Spring Boot Maven Junit PostgreSQL Rabbit MQ Docker Maven Build Typically we build our project…
Spring team is developing spring native module which provides support for compiling Spring applications to native executables using the GraalVM native-image compiler. Native applications provide following advantages compared to JVM based applications Required software Setting up the project To create a project, go to https://start.spring.io and select following spring version and dependencies. Note 1) Spring Native 0.10.5 only supports Spring Boot…
In this blog post we will see various ways to store list of strings in single column in database using JPA. Storing list as comma separated strings Storing list in JSON format Storing list as array i) Storing List as comma separated strings The easiest way to store list of strings in a single database…