React-Map-GL – Geo mapping earthquakes using markers

In the previous blog post we have seen how to render the map on browser using react-map-gl framework. Today I will show you how to geomap the earthquakes on the map using react-map-gl framework. I will use <Marker> and <Popup> components from react-map-gl framework visualize and show the information of the earthquakes. Marker component is…

Earn a free Microsoft certification exam voucher with MS cloud skills challenge

MicroSoft is giving opportunity to earn free voucher by completing cloud skills challenge. Steps to claim the free exam voucher Step 1) Visit the MS cloud skills challenge page Step 2) Pick a challenge of your interest from the page and click on the “Got to Challenge ” button Step 3) If you already have…

Lorem Picsum -The Lorem Ipsum for photos

While developing user interface applications if the actual text content is not available, we use dummy text to check formatting and presentation which looks similar to the actual context. The dummy text used for testing formatting is called Lorem Ipsum. Some websites provides free service to generate Lorem Ipsum. Find more information about Lorem Ipsum…