Building Multi-Arch Images for Arm and x86 with Docker

In this blog post, I show how we can build Spring Boot Multi-Arch Images for Arm and x86 using Docker Processor Architectures There are different architectures on which processor are made. Processors Supporting Architecture Intel and AMD processors x86/x86-64/AMD64 Apple M1 , Ampere A1, Graviton, Broadcom ( Used in Raspberry Pi) ARM/ARM64/ARMHF While most of…

Simplify Local Development with Testcontainers

In this blog post, I will explain how you can you can reuse your existing testing infrastructure based on Testcontainers for local development. In my previous blog posts ( part-1, part-2), I have explained how we can use docker-compose to start containers and use them for local development. If you are using Testcontainers library for…

Liquibase: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:

In this blog post we will look at the troubleshooting issues encountered while using Liquibase database migrations and how to resolve them. One of the issue you might encounter while working with Liquibase is validation failure related to checksum like below Liquibase keeps track of applied changesets using checksum of the file. If you change…