How to run JS applications from GitHub repo without installing software

Today I will show you a simple trick which helps you to run JavaScript application from GitHub repo without installing any software and without cloning the repo in your computer. If you want to see any JavaScript based application in action from this blog you have to follow below steps Install NodeJS in your computer….

React-Map-GL – Controlling user interaction with map

In this blog post I will show you how to control user interaction with maps and how to use navigation components of react-map-gl framework. In this post I will skip the initial application setup steps and proceed with next steps. You can read my previous blog post for initial setup process. You can use the repo from GitHub…

React-Map-GL – Geo mapping earthquakes using markers

In the previous blog post we have seen how to render the map on browser using react-map-gl framework. Today I will show you how to geomap the earthquakes on the map using react-map-gl framework. I will use <Marker> and <Popup> components from react-map-gl framework visualize and show the information of the earthquakes. Marker component is…