Comparing Native Image Size of Java ,Spring Boot, Quarkus and Micronaut

In this blog post we will look at the native image size of Java, Java based frameworks Spring Boot, Quarkus and Micronaut. Based on the below tweet, I became curious to know the bare minimum size of a native application for Java and Java based frameworks. Code Used in Native Images I am trying to…

Mock HTTP API for Testing with Wiremock

Wiremock is an open-source tool used for mocking API responses. It helps developers to write reliable and efficient tests for their APIs by mimicking the behavior of external services and improve the overall quality of software.It allows them to simulate various scenarios and responses without having to set up complicated infrastructure or rely on external…


Build Mac and Linux ARM64 Spring Boot 3 Native Image with GitHub Selfhost Runners

in this blog post I will explain how to build MacOS and Linux ARM64 native image for Spring boot 3 using GitHub Actions. In one of my previous blog post, I have shown you, how to build and release the spring boot 3 native binary for windows, Linux and Mac OS using GitHub actions. As…

Using Testcontainers for Local Development and Integration Testing In Spring Boot 3.1

In this blog post we will see how we can use docker containers during development time using Testcontainers in Spring Boot 3.1 which simplifies the local development efforts by providing infrastructure. In one of my previous blog posts, I have already shown how can we start docker containers using Testcontainers during local development. I have…