How to Publish Subscribe to Kafka with Spring Boot and SASL/SCRAM

In this blog post, I will explain how to connect from Spring Boot application with Kafka cluster which is using SASL/SCRAM authentication. In one of previous blog post , I have already covered connecting SpringBoot applications with Kafka cluster. The example covered was using different authentication mechanism. What is SASL/SCRAM Kafka supports different authenticate protocols. GSSAPI…

Testing Spring Boot Kafka with Testcontainers

In this tutorial, I will explain how to do integrating testing of spring boot , kafka applications using Testcontainers. In my previous blog post I have covered how to write Kafka producer and consumer application using Spring Boot framework. Now, we will write integration tests for testing the logic of producer and consumer application and…

Guide to Setting Up Apache Kafka Using Docker

This post explains how to setup Kafka cluster locally using Docker. In my previous blog post (linked below) , I explained about setting up Kafka cluster using Kafka binary and briefly explained about Kafka architecture. In this blog post I will explain how to setup kafka cluster using docker compose Installing Kafka Using Docker You…