Spring Boot – Testing RabbitMQ with Testcontainers

In this tutorial, I will explain how to do integrating testing of spring boot applications which uses RabbitMQ server for messaging using Testcontainers. In my previous blog post I have covered how to write RabbitMQ producer and consumer application using Spring Boot framework. Now, we will write integration tests for testing the logic of RabbitMQ…

Testing Spring Boot Kafka with Testcontainers

In this tutorial, I will explain how to do integrating testing of spring boot , kafka applications using Testcontainers. In my previous blog post I have covered how to write Kafka producer and consumer application using Spring Boot framework. Now, we will write integration tests for testing the logic of producer and consumer application and…

Integration testing AWS Lambda with Localstack and Testcontainers

In my previous blog post, I covered how we can mock AWS services with LocalStack and test AWS Lambda from the terminal. In this post, I will cover how can we do integration testing of AWS Lambda using LocalStack and TestContainers with Java. In this post, I will demonstrate the event published to Kinesis stream…

Spring Boot integration testing with Testcontainers

Springboot provides excellent support for unit testing and integration testing. I have covered how to do unit testing for Springboot controllers in various ways in one of my previous articles. While doing unit testing we try to test a single method while mocking all the dependencies. While doing integration testing we see that interaction between…