How to Install and Run Apache Kafka on Windows and Linux

This post explains how to install and start Kafka cluster locally using Kafka Binary on both Windows and Linux .I will also briefly discuss about the Kafka architecture. What is Kafka Kafka is a distributed message streaming platform for processing large amounts of data in real-time. Kafka is used for stream processing, analytics, and many…

Integration tests with Spring Boot,Testcontainers and MySQL

In this blog post I show how to use mysql database with Testcontainers for doing database integration tests in Spring Boot application. I have already written a detailed blog post about database integration testing with Spring Boot and Testcontainers in following article In above blog post, I have used PostgresSQL database. In this blog post…

New Features in Java 18

Oracle has released Java 18 on March 22, 2022, and it comes with a lot of new features and improvements. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most important ones. Java 18 (Oracle JDK 18) includes thousands of performance, stability, and security enhancements, as well as nine platform enhancements that will…